Mens wearhouse An interactive counterpart for the Men’s Wearhouse 2011 Annual Report. Incorporating fashion photography, menswear color-palette, and…

The best little cardboard arcade
Nirvan says: “I just finished this short film about a 9-year-old boy’s elaborate DIY cardboard arcade. Caine made…

stick it to ‘em
This past weekend I went to a post-it note art show, see your self casino france. I didn’t…

Inversion Coffee House
Inversion Coffee House // Outdoor Lampshade Chandelier This past weekend I went to a post-it note art show….

An early birthday gift
A year ago, I had taken a three month internship in Switzerland. A couple of my friends had…

Wrapping Presents
I am not a fan of wrapping paper. For the most part, I like to wrap my presents…

Pothole Love
Potholes are the worst. They damage your car, make people drive like crazy, and are just plain ugly….

Lifestyle Crafts
This personal sized L letterpress by Lifestyle Crafts is my newest life necessity. I know that many printers are skeptical…

This past weekend I went to the Houston Press Artopia 2011. I wasn’t quite blown away by the…

Cake Truffles
This year I made cake truffles for Christmas presents. I have made them for the past 2 years…