Lifestyle Crafts
This personal sized L letterpress by Lifestyle Crafts is my newest life necessity. I know that many printers are skeptical of the quality of prints of this but Boxcar Press posted a thorough tutorial of how to make beautiful prints on the L letterpress. Lifestyle Crafts also sells a variety of printing plates, inks, and paper for the tiny press. I absolutely love this print HowAboutOrange did in silver ink. Check out NoBiggie‘s giveaway for a chance to win your own!
Meet Pattie
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about doing an Etsy swap with my friend in NY. Well I’d like you to meet Pattie. I believe she is from Hamburg(er). She was sent to me a week ago to keep my Iphone warm. I absolutely love her. We had a big weekend out with a delicious and beautiful dinner and a karaoke night.
-Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert yoooooou!-
Seriously though, Pattie’s great. Please visit their Etsy store here.